12. Support Weapons¶
12.1 General¶
There are three types of support weapons: Light (L), Heavy (H), and Expendable (X). The support weapon's type is indicated on the counter. Light (L) support weapons include light machine guns, anti-tank weapons (e.g. bazookas, Panzerschrecks), and flamethrowers. Heavy (H) support weapons include medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, and light mortars. Expendable (X) support weapons include Panzerfausts, grenades, and satchel charges.

12.2 Portage¶
Unit | Carries | Movement |
Squad | Light/Heavy | Heavy -1 MP |
Half squad | Light/Heavy | Heavy -1 MP |
Leader | Light | (normal) |
A squad or half squad may carry one support weapon. A leader may carry one Light (L) support weapon. A support weapon counter is placed under the unit carrying it (Exception: Expendable (X) support weapons are not placed with, or attached to, a specific unit). If a unit carrying a support weapon is eliminated the weapon is also eliminated. Support weapons do not count towards stacking limits. A unit moves normally when carrying a Light (L) support weapon. A squad or half squad carrying a Heavy (H) support weapon reduces its Movement Points by one (-1).
12.3 Support Weapon Usage¶
Unit | Light | Heavy |
Squad | Unit + Weapon APFP | Unit + Weapon APFP |
Half squad | Unit + Weapon APFP | Weapon APFP only |
Leader | Weapon APFP only | - |
A unit may fire one support weapon per turn. If the support weapon can be used for either an AP or AT attack, the firing player must declare which type of attack the unit is conducting. A squad may add the APFP of a Light (L) or Heavy (H) support weapon to its inherent APFP. A half squad may add the APFP of a Light (L) support weapon to its inherent APFP. When a leader fires a Light (L) support weapon, or a half squad fires a Heavy (H) support weapon, only the APFP of the weapon is used. If the target is outside of the attacking unit's range, but within the support weapon's range, only the APFP of the support weapon is used. If a unit uses a mortar to make an indirect fire attack, only the mortar's APFP is used.
12.4 Exchange or Transfer¶
Infantry units occupying the same hex may exchange or transfer support weapons during the owning player's Command Phase. The support weapons are simply moved to the new unit, as long as the unit's normal portage capacity is not exceeded by the weapon.
12.5 Expendable (X) Support Weapons¶
Expendable (X) support weapons are single-use weapons, and as such their counters are removed from play after use. Expendable (X) support weapons include Panzerfausts, grenades, and satchel charges. Expendable support weapons are not carried by specific units. When a scenario's OOB indicates a side is equipped with Panzerfausts, grenades, or satchel charges, the number of appropriate support weapon counters are placed in front of, and remain with, the owning player until he wishes to use them by any of his eligible units.
12.51 Panzerfausts and Anti-Tank Grenades¶
Panzerfausts and Anti-Tank Grenades are man-portable, hollow charge anti-tank weapons. A Panzerfaust or AT Grenade may only be used to conduct an AT attack versus an eligible target in an adjacent hex (i.e. an AFV, vehicle, or Gun). Panzerfausts and AT Grenades have no effect on infantry units. After use, the Panzerfaust or AT Grenade counter is removed from play.
12.52 Grenades¶
Grenades are small, anti-personnel explosive devices carried by infantry units. Grenades may only be used against targets in an adjacent hex, and only one Grenades counter may be used per unit, per attack. Grenades may not be used for AT attacks.
When a Grenade counter is used by an attacking unit the attack dice roll is modified by -1. When used by a defending unit during a close assault, the assaulter's Kill Number is modified by -1 (i.e. a Kill Number of 6 becomes a 5).
A unit may fire a support weapon when using grenades (in addition to its inherent APFP). Grenades may be used by passengers on an AFV conducting an overrun attack (see 19. Armor Overruns), against the targets of the overrun. A Grenades counter is removed from play after it is used.
12.53 Satchel Charges¶
Satchel charges are canvas bags filled with explosives. A satchel charge may only be used against targets in an adjacent hex. Satchel charges may not be used for AT attacks. A unit using a satchel charge adds the satchel charge's APFP to its own. A unit may not fire a support weapon when it uses a satchel charge, and it may only use one satchel charge per attack. Satchel charges may be used in a close assault, by either side, to increase their APFP total. A satchel charge may also be used by passengers on an AFV conducting an overrun attack, against the units targeted by the overrun. A Satchel Charge counter is removed from play after it is used.
12.6 Mortars¶
Mortars are indirect fire weapons that provide on-board artillery support. Mortars are the only on-board weapons that may use indirect fire. Medium and heavy mortars are not represented on the board; they are represented by off- board artillery support.
12.61 Firing Restrictions¶
Due to the nature of how a mortar fires, mortars may never form fire groups with infantry units, and an infantry unit firing a mortar may never add its inherent firepower to the mortars APFP. However, mortars located in the same hex must combine their APFP ratings into a single barrage when attacking the same target. A leader occupying the same hex may add his leadership modifier to a mortar attack. Mortars may not make Opportunity Fire attacks. Mortars may not fire from building hexes or bunkers.
12.62 LOS and Indirect Fire¶
If a unit firing a mortar has LOS to its target no spotter is necessary. If a unit firing a mortar cannot see its target, an unpinned, friendly unit must act as a spotter and have LOS to the target hex. If neither the unit with the mortar nor an unpinned, friendly unit have LOS to the target hex, the mortar cannot attack that hex.
12.63 Terrain Modifiers¶
Terrain or hindrances between a mortar and its target have no effect on a mortar attack, including any hexside terrain features around the target hex. Only the terrain within the target hex itself modifies a mortar attack.
12.64 Air Bursts Versus Infantry¶
Casualty Points from a mortar attack to infantry units in woods and jungle hexes are doubled.
12.65 Minimum Range¶
Mortars have a minimum range of two hexes (indicated on the counter by an exponent of 2 next to the weapons range), and may not fire at targets inside the minimum range.
12.66 Smoke Rounds¶
A mortar may fire a smoke round in lieu of an attack, and the same rules apply to firing a smoke round as firing normally (i.e. the unit must have LOS to the target hex, or a spotter with LOS to the target hex). The mortar automatically places a Smoke 2 marker in the target hex; no dice roll is necessary. The unit is marked with a Fire marker, and two smoke factors are deducted from the player's smoke supply.
12.67 Mortar Fire Versus Vehicles¶
When a mortar strikes a hex containing one or more vehicles, there is a chance it may hit and destroy the units. A dice roll of 6 or less results in a hit versus a vehicle; roll separately for each vehicle. Cover modifiers of the target hex apply to the to-hit roll. A hit versus an unarmored vehicle automatically destroys the unit. A hit versus an AFV is resolved by cross-indexing the mortar's AT rating with the unit's rear armor rating on the Armor Elimination Table to obtain an Elimination Number. An additional dice roll equal to or less than the Elimination Number destroys the target.